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Grace Park Church – Bible Study

 Join Us For Bible Study/Gatherings

Grace Park Church is excited to share our progress and the new opportunities that are being created for us to share the gospel with the city of Durham.  One of those opportunities is unfolding as we are establishing our all-new weekly Bible Studies/Gatherings.

Our Bible Study is a gathering of imperfect people who have a desire to grow in the knowledge and understanding of His Word, the gospel message. This weekly meet allows us the opportunity to grow together as we learn what the Holy Scriptures say, what they mean for us today and how we can live them out in our daily lives as disciples sent on mission.

You can expect the atmosphere of our studies to be relaxed and informal. So whether you’re just getting off from work, finishing an intense work-out or dropping in after being in school all day, come and be filled through this great ministry and fellowship.

Be sure to come out… and don’t forget to invite a friend! Let us grow together as we encounter God, experience community and be a part of something great.  For exact dates, locations and more information, email us at info@graceparkchurch.com

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